Saturday, March 8, 2008

Daddy, miss you when you gone a week!

Well Wyatt has been hitting the rodeo trail pretty hard lately and Jessi started saying this to her Dad. "Daddy, miss you when you gone a week!" I am not sure how she came up with that all on her own, but it was cute and sad to hear. I think it is because in nursery they say "See you next week." So everything to her is a week. We do miss him when he has to leave on the weekends. We dropped Wyatt off at the airport and she was sad the whole ride home. When we pulled into the house she saw his truck and said, "Daddy's Home!" I really felt bad for her. Maybe when her (baby sis-ser) comes along she won't be so bored. The Doctor said I was measuring at 31 weeks, and I am only 30. Surprise, surprise! ( I have huge babies) So I am hoping that I only have about 8 more weeks before she will come or he will induce me! I CAN'T wait!


Hallie said...

Jessi is so cute and such a funny girl! I can't believe how much she says compared to Kanton. Can't wait til that next little girl gets here either! Love ya!

Gerilyn said...

What a sweetie! You're such a good wife to support Wyatt! Is he riding out here at the fair this year? We need to get together one of these days! I miss you guys.

The Coor's said...

I didn't know you were having another little girl. That is so exciting. I totally know what you mean about having another baby to entertain the 1st one. Aaden needs a little play mate.

Krista said...

Dawn, You don't have much time left until your 2nd one comes, Jessi will LOVE having a sister! If she is anything like Kloey she will smuther her sister in kisses! I hope your feeling good and hanging in there the last few weeks are the pits! By the way you looked awesome in your glamour shots!

Teresa :) said...

That is sad. Every time I ask Mikelle where Daddy is she tells me "hunting" its hilarious but a little sad to. Congrats on the new baby girl to come and I hope for your sake you do go early. :)

Bekah: said...

hooray! you are on the countdown! how exciting, im jealous! how fun! do you have any names in mind?